Monday, January 18, 2010

The friend

A strange sparkle in her brown eyes,
and a quiver that embraces her fine lips!
The freshness she emanates prances around,
and clings on to every passer-by!
Swinging her bag with utmost glee,
and shaking her head with mad certainty,
(to set right her middle-ear-fluid issues)
the girl dances to the tunes of life!
Constipated with joy, and even otherwise,
overcome with delicious fears, she is oft!
Breeze she is, and sometimes, the rain,
falling from the skies above to meet the earth!
Hopping and skipping, as she pleases!
What a wonder, Oh, what a wonder?

My friend she is, and will be forever,
and the insanity will catch me soon.
And I shall prance as carefree as her,
and become my own friend soon.


  1. 'Tears streaming down my face' I love you, bumbalee.

    And forever together:) *Sigh* Back in 6th standard but who cares:P

  2. Yeah, who cares!? I feel like I am back in my third grade!


  3. And I shall prance around and pester,
    And become her friend real soon!

    P.S. I like brown eyes, even love. :D

  4. @Ashok: Haha! I can almost see you prancing around and pestering her!

    @Adi: Ghumba!
