Thursday, July 2, 2009

As I shove you into your tiny grave,
I feel numb with guilt and penitence.
My love, I am sorry I could not protest,
I could not protest against your destiny.
You were not just a bundle of joy,
But a basket of hope, a flag of pride,
A concoction so sweet, so mild…
I wish I could watch you grow up.
Grow up to be a star, so shiny, in the vast sky!
A star that I could never hope to be,
A star that, now, you can never become.

Worry not, golden child of mine,
You are going to the fluffy clouds above.
No nightmare could chase you there,
No bully can menacingly follow.

Fear not, my sweet little bird!
I have freed you from worldly misery.
The same pain and misery that I felt,
That unfortunate night you were conceived.
You are not the result of love and longing.

Regret not, my infantile shadow,
This world is not what it seems to be.
No clouds of happiness to ride upon,
No cheery sunshine to reach out to.

So stealthily you were born within me,
Your unborn laughter still floods my ears,
Your cheeky smile I can almost see!
To touch you, would be to taint you.
I refrain. You are the purest part of me.

Forget me not, O dear.
I shall fondle your memories forever.
Visit the Land Of Love and Peace,
Convey my tearful regards to Him.

I wish I could just let you be,
But ‘sense’ begs me to let you go,
And there you go…..


  1. hi Sneha...
    The poem is definitely good man. i love d way u write. Good vocabulary.But looking from d moral point of view, do u think this can be justified??...taking a life for our own selfish happiness or boosted pride??....think about it.

  2. Hi Sneha

    Very good writing.I enjoyed d poems.some parts of poems like Metamorphosis,The cry...,Fiery love,Expectations, Imagination have real strokes of genius. Anu is right - you've got talent but u need to work on it. Keep writing.... This particular poem is exceptional work - shows u r improving.....
    Moral point of view...... well I do believe things like these r not justifiable. Cowardly and despicable is how i would describe them. But u are'nt justifying it and moreover i believe this is one way u r hitting out at acts like this.
    The article is something that i greatly identify with. while yours may have been law & fasion mine was (predictably) Med and Engg.
    I did do pretty well in my engg tests but i did better(much better) in my med entrance. When i chose this course in IIT M surprisingly many people stood by me but yet there were the ever present voices of disapproval and outrage but i do firmly believe that my life is mine to live and not something to be played around according to the whims and fancies of prejudiced 'well wishers'. But unfortunately not everyone understands this - hopefully good sense will prevail.
    But coming back, good writing, keep writing. see u on the 3rd.
    Take care

  3. @ Anu: see, i do not have so much faith in morals, as i have in raw emotions. It is 'immoral' for a person to abort a child, but it is not the topic of the poem. I am looking at the 'unborn curse' from the point of view of a weak woman who cannot stand up for herself against the society....It is wrong, and it is unfair...and yet, it is so real!

  4. @Jerin: Thanks, man...I will keep writing and trying to improve my style...
    Ah! Med and engg was your dilemma, huh? It really would've been very hard for you to stand up for what you want and go with it, na?
    I mean, i can imagine how appalled people generally would be at a decision like this! ;)

    But, good for you. One should always do what instinct prompts you to do. Yay. :)

  5. out-of-the-box perception of a VERY inside the box reality!...nice.

  6. thanks. :) who's this, by the way?

  7. You broach a complex topic with such seeming ease.
    Powerful, very.
